Zeee Media Election Week – Nick Clonaridis – Senate Candidate – IMOP – VIC

MAY 4, 2022


Nick Clonaridis is pro-medical freedom and anti-discrimination, regardless of whether related to vaccines or to illness. He believes that our medical choices and status are private, to be considered and decided upon by ourselves in consultation with our health professionals, or shared with family members and friends at our own discretion – not to be publicly disclosed to or mandated by a government, an employer or any other authority.

The second change Nick wants to see is an end to the constant lies, deception and corruption that have been uncovered regarding our politicians. Our country and our tax dollars are not theirs to squander, and those who are proven to have done wrong must be held accountable.  How many more MPs are we going to allow to hide behind excuses of the ‘I can’t recall’ variety?  That is not a get-out-of jail-free card – not then, not now, not ever.


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